Face Attribute Recognition

Determines 40 facial attributes...
Bayan-Vision Face Attribute Recognition API accurately determines 40 facial attributes such as ‫‪attractiveness‬‬, wearing eyeglasses, having a beard, being bald, smiling, wearing a hat, having pale skin, ‫having a double‬‬ ‪chin‬‬, having an oval face, etc. It can be deployed in Targeted advertisement or consumer analysis to provide a better understanding of the audience attributes which can be used in personalization of recommendations or reaching a more human-friendly interaction with the user. Also, this information can be used to narrow down the search result when using our Face Searching API, for example, when we are looking for a lost “Blond kid wearing eyeglasses” in a crowded area like a shopping center.

Samples: Click on any of following images to see related result...

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